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Bank of Baroda

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Analyst Sentiment For Bank of Baroda

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As recommended by 27 analysts


Bank of Baroda's Info & Management

Bank of Baroda provides banking services to a diverse clientele, including individuals, corporations, SMEs, NRIs, and more. BoB was founded back in 1908 and is headquartered in Vadodara, India. Its banking operations cover Treasury, Corporate/Wholesale Banking, Retail Banking, and Other Banking Operations.

The bank’s treasury segment includes an investment portfolio and engages in the trading of foreign exchange contracts and derivative contracts. The bank generates revenue through fees, gains, or losses from trading operations, as well as interest income earned on the investment portfolio.

In the corporate or wholesale banking segment, the focus is on lending to borrowers, while the retail banking segment handles borrower accounts. The digital banking sub-segment within the retail segment represents the balances of digital banking units operating under RBI directives within the bank. Geographically, the bank operates in both domestic and foreign operations.

The bank extends personal banking services, which comprise savings accounts, current accounts, and term deposits. Additionally, it offers a range of digital products, including Internet banking, mobile banking, cards, WhatsApp banking, digital signage systems (DSS), self-service passbook printers, and automated teller machines (ATMs). The bank operates an extensive network of over 8,200 branches and 9,764 ATMs.

It offers a diverse range of loans, including home loans, personal loans, vehicle loans, fintech loans, education loans, and gold loans. It extends merchant payment solutions, Baroda DigiNext Cash Management Services, and more.

Check Bank of Baroda share price for a comprehensive analysis with integrated tools for fundamental and technical analysis. Also, access the company profile, news, and events on Share.Market. Find detailed analysis of Bank of Baroda stock price to kickstart your investment journey now.

  • General Manager
    Mr. Kumar Rajeev
  • General Manager
    Mr. T N Suresh
  • General Manager
    Mr. Agrawal Yogesh Kumar
  • General Manager
    Mr. Panda Samira Ranjan
  • General Manager
    Mr. Anuj Bhargava
  • General Manager
    Mr. Sanjeev

FAQs on Bank of Baroda

What is the share price of Bank of Baroda?

Bank of Baroda share price is ₹262.40 as of May 18, 2024, 12:29 PM. Share/stock prices are volatile and change over the course of a trading day, and may differ basis on exchange (NSE/BSE).

What is the 52-week high and low of Bank of Baroda?

The 52-week high and low of Bank of Baroda is ₹285.60 and ₹178.00 respectively as of May 18, 2024, 12:29 PM. 52-week high and low represent the maximum and minimum value of the share price respectively, over the last 52 weeks (similar to 1 year).

What are the Upper Circuit and Lower Circuit of Bank of Baroda?

The Upper Circuit of Bank of Baroda is ₹274. The Lower Circuit of Bank of Baroda is ₹248.

What is the ROE of Bank of Baroda?

Bank of Baroda reported an ROE of 16.70% for the last reported financial year on a consolidated account basis. Return on Equity (ROE) reflects how efficiently the company is able to generate profit as a percent of their equity financing.

What is the shareholding pattern of Bank of Baroda?

Shareholding pattern gives insights on the concentration of holdings towards various groups of investors. As of last reported quarter for Bank of Baroda, Promoter held 64%, the FII held 12.4%, DII held 16.3% and the public held 7.3% of the total shares.

How to buy Bank of Baroda Share?

You can easily buy shares of Bank of Baroda online through Share.Market. If you are an existing user, login to your account, else follow the process to create your own Demat and Trading account in a few easy steps.

What is the fair value of Bank of Baroda?

The fair value of Bank of Baroda is an estimated price at which buyers and sellers would freely trade their shares. The various ways to determine the fair value of an asset include looking at recent market transactions for similar assets, estimating its expected earnings or the cost of replacing it.
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