Here are the key features you can explore:
- Pre-built Templates:
- Watchlist: Track stocks, their live prices, and percentage changes. Create a new watchlist or use an existing one from Share.Market.
- Option Chain: Access live option chain data for all exchanges and stocks with options.
- Price Array: Get live prices and historical OHLCV (Open, High, Low, Close, Volume) data for any instrument.
- Custom Templates: Create your own worksheets with personalized formulas that can reference data from the pre-built templates.
3. Data Validation: Add custom formatting to sheet data using the Data Validation feature, accessible in the toolbar.
4. Charts: Create charts based on your sheet data using the charting tool in the toolbar.
5. Freeze Rows/Columns: Freeze rows or columns by dragging from the top-left corner of any sheet.
6. Save: You can also save your work by clicking on the save button. Refer to the image below.