How much cash margin should I keep if I have also pledged shares?

You can refer to the following table to understand the cash requirement for each type of trade.

SegmentType of transactionUsage limit per position
Equity IntradayBuy and Sell both50% pledged margin & 50% cash
Equity& Index FuturesBuy and Sell both
(Intraday & Overnight positions)
50% pledged margin & 50% cash
Equity & Index OptionsSell Only(Intraday & Overnight positions)50% pledged margin & 50% cash


  • To avoid delayed payment charges and penalties, please ensure non-cash collateral utilization for margin purposes does not exceed 50% in case of F&O and always keep some amount in cash for the intraday trades in order to cover for any losses in the position.
  • You cannot use collateral margin for buying a naked options contract as per exchange rules.