Please know that a broker’s chart (no matter which broker) can’t display every trade happening on the exchange in real-time. This is because millions make thousands of trades every second. For a single stock, trades can happen within microseconds, especially when the market is more volatile. This may result in differences in the prices than what is expected.
While the Tick By Tick (TBT) feed shows every trade happening each microsecond, it’s too large to send efficiently online. This means a quick price change from a large order might not show up on the chart if it’s not included in the exchange data sent to the broker.
Whenever an order is placed—whether it’s a market, limit, or stop-loss order—it is instantly transmitted by the broker to the exchange in real time. The actual of the order takes place at the exchange, where the final price is determined. The broker has no involvement or control over the order matching or execution process, as it is handled centrally by the exchange.
If an exchange trade ID is generated, it confirms that the trade has been at the exchange. You can verify this through the NSE trade verification module.