Your may get rejected because of the following reasons:
- You placed the order for a quantity or value more than what’s allowed as per RMS
- You selected a scrip in ASM, GSM, or RMS list
- You placed the order after market hours i.e. after 3:30 pm
- You want to sell a quantity greater than the quantity in your , in case of
- You selected a scrip blocked for trading, in case of intraday orders
- You don’t have enough margin to place the order, in case of intraday orders
- You’ve some in corporate action and placed an order for more than the available quantity
- The exchange rejected it as the limit price you set did not meet the Last Traded Price () of the instrument
- The price you entered was outside the upper and lower limits
- We’ve disabled the product type you selected as per the RMS policy
- You can’t disclose quantities for orders placed during pre-market open and post-market close. Please enter 0% as the disclosed quantity and place your order
If you need further help with this, tap Go To Orders below, select the order, and tap Contact Support.