What are the market sessions or timings for IPO trading on the listing day?

Here are the market sessions on an listing day:

  • System-driven random closure anytime between 35th and 45th minute (during the last ten minutes of order entry): Special pre-open market session for wherein you can place, modify, or cancel your orders
  • 9:45 am to 9:55 am: Order matching and trade confirmation period during which the opening price will be finalized and trades will be executed
  • 9:55 am to 10:00 am: Buffer period before the start of the usual trading session
  • 10:00 am to 3:30 pm: Market session for the trading of IPOs


  • Only limit orders can be placed in an IPO pre-open market session.
  • To improve transparency, we’ll provide you real-time updates on the number and quantity of cancelled orders during the order entry period of the special pre-open call auction session. You can see this within the scrip’s market depth.