Why is there no price movement in the stock’s option contracts when the price of the stock and its futures contract is moving?

Just like stocks and futures contracts, option prices also move based on their trading activity. In the absence of active trading, the price of an option may remain stagnant even while the underlying asset and futures prices move. This often happens with out-of-the-money and deep-in-the-money options due to several factors like low demand or liquidity. Always check these three things before initiating any options trades:

  • Open interest at your chosen strike price: A higher open interest (indicating stronger market sentiment) suggests better price discovery and liquidity.
  • Bid-ask spread: Aim for a narrower spread (ideally ₹0.05, the minimum tick size on NSE) for smoother entry and exit.
  • Last traded time: Ensure the contract is actively traded to avoid execution delays or unfavorable pricing.