By when should additional margins be added if a margin call is received?

In the event of a margin shortfall in your Share.Market trading account, you will receive immediate notification via both push notification and email. Your prompt action is required to address the shortfall and maintain sufficient funds. Here’s a breakdown of the expected response timeline:

  • During Market Hours: If you receive a margin call during market hours, immediate action is expected. Please add sufficient funds to your account promptly to avoid any potential consequences.
  • After Market Hours: If the notification arrives after market close, you still have until 11:59 PM of the same day to deposit funds and bring your account back within margin compliance.

Remember, failure to add funds within the stipulated time frame may lead to:

  • Forced Position Squaring: Our risk management team may be forced to square off your open to protect the account from further losses.
  • Exchange Penalty: You may be subject to penalties as per exchange rules for exceeding margin limits.

Therefore, we strongly encourage you to prioritize resolving any margin call notifications promptly to safeguard your investments and avoid unnecessary complications.